Bible Conference
The goal of our conference is to bring together like-minded churches and individuals in our area who share our passion to live to God’s glory alone. We want to develop ways for our members and churches to encourage one another in the faith and faithfulness to Christ as we seek to bring the Gospel to the Waco Texas area.
This is a FREE conference, though a love offering will be taken each evening to help defray costs and to express our appreciation for our speakers.
Our guest speakers will be:
Mark Thrift
Bro. Mark Thrift was the pastor of Parkwood Baptist Church for 31 years, from November of 1985 to January 2017. His father was the pastor there before him for twenty-two years. He travels and preaches extensively, and is a highly sought after conference and revival preacher.
Bro. Thrift was saved at the age of sixteen, and felt the call to preach shortly thereafter. He attended Lynchburg Baptist College, Hyles-Anderson College, and graduated from Baptist Christian College in Shreveport, Louisiana in 1978 with a Bachelor of Theology degree. He obtained a Master’s degree from Trinity Valley Baptist Seminary & College in 2001.
Bro. Mark transitioned from the Pastor of Parkwood to Parkwood’s Pastor Emeritus in January of 2017. He now travels each week as a Missionary-Evangelist preaching revivals, camp-meetings, and conferences. He takes numerous mission trips each year, taking pastors with him each time.
Music by The Rochester’s
The whole family has a part in this Gospel singing and I am sure you will be blessed by them. Please see their website for more info.